Atalhos de Teclado para agilizar a operação do dia a dia

Keyboard shortcuts

Ticket view keyboard shortcuts:

CTRL + H - home tab

CTRL + D - open a ticket to be solved (if any)
CTRL + E - resolve ticket
CTRL + I - show the list of predefined answers when composing a new ticket or replying to a ticket
CTRL + M - answer the chat

CTRL + SHIFT + M - answer the chat on background
CTRL + Left click - open ticket on background (From ticket list only)
CTRL + S - send message
CTRL + Q - close ticket window
CTRL + K - show the list of canned messages when replying to a ticket, chat

CTRL + SPACE - show the list of canned messages when replying to a ticket, chat
CTRL + UP - cycle through the opened ticket tabs

CTRL + DOWND - cycle through the opened ticket tabs